
商业 | 2024-05-11| 53


As one of the largest commercial banks in China, Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC) offers a range of financial products and services to customers, one of which is precious metals trading. If you have invested in precious metals through ICBC and want to check your position, you can do so via SMS. In this article, we will guide you through the process of how to check your precious metals holdings via SMS.

Step-by-Step Instructions

1. First, make sure your mobile phone is linked to your ICBC account. You can do this by going to the nearest branch of ICBC or calling the customer service hotline at 95588.
2. Once your mobile phone is linked to your ICBC account, send an SMS to 95588 with "WKGJ" as the content of the message. WKGJ stands for "Wu-Kuan Gu-Jin" in Chinese, which means "precious metals position."
3. ICBC will reply to your SMS with a message detailing your precious metals holdings, including the position, value, and weight of each metal. The SMS will also provide the latest market price for the metals.
4. You can also check the historical transaction information and current market prices of the metals by sending "WKGJJL" to 95588. WKGJJL stands for "Wu-Kuan Gu-Jin Jiao- Yi Ji-Lu," which means "transaction records of precious metals position."
5. If you want to sell or buy precious metals, you can do so via ICBC's online banking platform or by visiting any ICBC branch. Make sure to check the current market prices and transaction fees before making any transactions.

Tips for Using SMS to Check Precious Metals Holdings

1. Make sure your mobile phone is linked to your ICBC account before trying to check your precious metals holdings via SMS.
2. Double-check the content and format of your SMS message to ensure that it is correct. Any mistakes may lead to an incorrect reply or no reply at all.
3. If you have any questions or issues while checking your precious metals holdings via SMS, you can call ICBC's customer service hotline at 95588 for assistance.


ICBC's SMS inquiry service provides a convenient and efficient way for customers to check their precious metals holdings without having to visit a branch or log in to an online banking platform. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can quickly and easily check your position, purchase history, and the latest market price of precious metals. If you are interested in trading precious metals through ICBC, make sure to keep a close eye on market trends and transaction fees to make informed investment decisions.



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